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A nebulizer is a small machine that turns liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. You sit with the machine and breathe in the medicine through a connected mouthpiece or facemask. This allows the medicine to enter the lungs directly. Nebulizers may be used for people with lung disease, including but not limited to:

  • Asthma

  • COPD

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Bronchiectasis

  • Emphysema

  • Pulmonary infections


We carry Adult and pediatric Nebulizers kits, we also have tubing and masks in different sizes that can be sold separately.

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What is a nebulizer?

Nebulizers may be a good choice for those who have difficulty using inhalers, such as small children and the elderly. If you and your doctor agree that a nebulizer machine is right for you, you may wish to purchase one for home use.  There are two main types of nebulizers available. A tabletop nebulizer is large and designed for home use only, while a portable nebulizer can be taken with you wherever you go and often comes with a carryall bag that houses all the equipment you will need to use your nebulizer.

Who should use a nebulizer?

What to put into a nebulizer?

The choice of device you use may be based on whether you find a nebulizer easier to use and what type of medicine you take.

Below are examples of medicines that may be used with a nebulizer:

Bronchodilators work by relaxing the muscles of your airways, and this lets you breathe better during an attack or flare-up. Examples include:

  • Albuterol

  • Ipratropium

  • Levalbuterol

Corticosteroids help prevent airways from becoming inflamed and help prevent symptoms. These include:

  • Budesonide

  • Flunisolide

  • Fluticasone

  • Triamcinolone

Nebulizers also may be used with:

  • Certain inhaled antibiotics to treat lung infections

  • Sterile saline solution or medicines to help loosen up mucus in the lungs

Note: This is not a comprehensive list of medicines.

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